"When love is deep, much can be accomplished." - Dr. Suzuki
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Activities of SASF
The Suzuki Association of South Florida was established in 1986 and promotes the principles of the Suzuki philosophy through its yearly activities. Weekend workshops are held once to twice a year where both local teachers and their students reap the benefit of working with some of the Suzuki Method’s finest teachers worldwide. Graduation recitals enable students to celebrate the milestone of graduating a Suzuki book and enjoy sharing in the larger Suzuki community by hearing performances on various instruments.
Membership Meetings and Annual Meeting
Officers and board members are expected to attend four meetings a year, usually held in September, October, January, and March. Teacher members may attend or send a parent representative. Participation of parents is welcomed and encouraged. The Annual Meeting and Concert is held in May each year. New officers and board members are elected at this short meeting, and teachers are invited to bring their students to perform. This is SASF’s culminating event of the school year, where the South Florida Suzuki community comes together to share in performances of the many instruments taught using the Suzuki philosophy. Performances can include a few soloists representing their studio or a studio can present a group performance. Either format should comprise about 10 minutes.
Graduation Recitals
SASF teachers may nominate up to two students per recital who have recently graduated a book. Any piece in the book or a polished piece from the next book may be selected for the performance. SASF provides a pianist, or the student may bring their own. SASF provides each student with a graduation certificate, as well as a special chocolate treat. These recitals also serve to bring together the larger Suzuki community, as performers from all instruments are welcome. Teachers should also encourage students in their studio to attend these inspirational concerts.
The Suzuki Association of South Florida is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. In furtherance of these purposes, the corporation may undertake, promote, and support educational programs and musical concerts. It will also collect, assimilate, and disseminate information of all kinds to promote the understanding and use of the music teaching philosophy of Dr. Suzuki for the greater happiness and development of children worldwide.
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